Instead, it is aimed at those who, being engaged in the creation or evaluation of paintings of any type, already noticed that composition matters and would like to explore its mechanism. The following text does not aim to popularise knowledge of proper composition construction.

Throughout art history only very few artists had the skill to succeed in this quest, and ever fewer audience members appreciated that skill. Managing the interplay between elements to achieve the state where any perceptible change reduces the overall aesthetic value of the whole, requires an extraordinary ability to perceive relations between forms. A high quality composition is most difficult to achieve in art creation and highly challenging for viewer appreciation. Composition is the purely visual interplay of elements which make up a painting. What is the composition of a painting? It is all that remains once we leave out the style (or painterly conventions) and the content with the associated cultural and emotional context. These are the questions we will attempt to address in the following text. What criterion can be more objective than taste? What is the mechanism of the harmony phenomenon? It demonstrates the relations most likely occurring between all forms or elements of a composition, which make it reach a perfect state where any change introduced to it makes it perceptibly worse. ∀e i ∈ Sn C(e i, Sn\e i) = Cmax (Sn) This is the proposed algorithm of harmony.